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Password: kcsdtrans
Parents and guardians are always interested in the status of the bus that transports their children. While everything possible is done to assure that the buses operate on schedule, situations arise that can cause delays in their arrival times at a student’s stop. The Kenton County School District desires to keep parents and guardians informed of the current status and location of their bus, and to make it as easy as possible to provide this communication without interfering with parents’ normal schedule. The School District is providing a system which can be accessed via a smart phone, laptop, or home PC (as long as the device has Internet connectivity and can access the Web). If there is a question on the status of a particular bus, parents and guardians can access the webpage, which will display the current status and location of that bus. Should the transportation department wish to inform users of a significant delay for a bus or all buses, this site can show the anticipated delay time, i.e. one hour delay due to weather.
Using a smart phone or tablet, access any current browser (Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.) and enter This will open the KCSD bus finder Web page, which allows a parent to enter the student’s bus number to find the status and location of that bus. Starting the application opens the “password” screen. KCSD has selected the generic password “kcsdtrans”. A user simply enters this password and touches the “Login” button; the application will appear.
The opening screen will allow entry of the bus number to be located. If the device has previously queried the system, the last three buses queried will appear and can be used to select the desired bus. If that bus number does not appear, the number of the desired bus can be entered.
The system will search for that bus. If there is an anticipated delay, the next screen will display the delay message and the anticipated delay time. Pressing the “map” button will load the bus location on a map for where a red pin visually identifies the bus location. If there is no message, the map showing the current location of the bus is displayed directly.
1. We suggest you store the “ ” on your Bookmarks, so that entry to the application is easier
2. Please be advised that the location signal “refreshes” every two (2) minutes. Factor this in when estimating bus stop arrival times
3. You must refresh on your device. This is not a live action feed, so you log on see where the bus is then refresh to observe bus movement.